Sara Ekholm Product Designer

How I got into product design

My story

I’m passionate about design because I love understanding user and business needs. In short: I’m a problem solver.

It all started when I worked as a strategist in advertising. My job was to understand the needs of all stakeholders and define the problem that needed to be solved. I was the one who made complex things structured and clear.

My desire to take a bigger part in the whole project, from defining the problems to forming the solutions, led me to Hyper Island in 2019. At the Design Lead program I extended my toolbox to be able to turn insights into designs. I’m very excited to have been able to continue doing just that.

At Dreams and Bambuser, I’ve been able to refine my craft and become a well rounded product designer.

As a kid I was constantly drawing


After 11 years of working, my profile has grown to be both very deep and wide. I can:

I thrive when I’m learning. I look forward to deepen my knowledge within these areas during 2023:

In my free time

What do I do when I’m not working? I love watching drama series, learning new recipes, and have a ton of books on architecture that I love to flick through.


Improv comedy is theatre without a script, where we co-create stories on the spot with suggestions from the audience. It’s all about listening, supporting each others ideas, following impulses and being present in the moment. It’s so much fun!

Since 2019 I’m leading a “study circle” of improvisers. We call ourselves Half the Group and we perform improvised love stories and murder mysteries!

We rent out theatres and set up shows a couple of times per year

Half the Group in the middle of a scene. I believe they were convincing my character to give someone a second chance.

Outdoor activities

The most relaxing thing I know is being active outdoors. So when I’m on vacation I’d love to go kayaking or pick up a new sport!

Kayaking in the archipelago of Stockholm

Learning how to sail on RS Zest

First time windsurfing in Cape Verde